Advanced Academy for Recovery Coaches! Online offering!
CCAR has designed a unique opportunity for experienced recovery coaches to come together to deepen their understanding of the foundational principles of recovery coaching. These essential skills, outlined in the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy©, are actively listening, asking good questions, discovering and managing our own stuff all while treating the recoveree as their own best resource. This four day program will draw upon the vast recovery coaching experiences of the attendees to expand our collective practice and to better improve our own individual art of coaching. Because this is an advance class, we are asking that attendees consider the following prerequisites before registering: completion of the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© and at least six (6) months of experience in a coaching setting. This educational program is approved by NAADAC #195293
Define recovery coach mastery; Explore what it means to actively listen and why it’s an essential coaching skill. Learn how to practice actively listening through mindfulness. Understand what is meant by asking good questions and how to interview a recoveree to motivate and support their identified recovery journey; Demonstrate the art of crafting good questions that prompt meaningful conversations. Discover what is meant by “stuff” in order to acknowledge biases that can influence the coaching relationship; Recognize when our “stuff” clouds our performance; Identify and discuss the barriers to our own coaching practices; Apply the foundational principles of recovery coaching to real life examples/scenarios; Set individual professional development goals to improve one’s art of recovery coaching practice. This educational program is approved by NAADAC #195293
Training Dates and Time
This training will take place July 22-25, 2024 from 8 am to12 noon.
The training will be held online.
Cancellations will not be allowed within 2 weeks of the beginning of the training. Cancellations prior to two weeks, will be refunded, less the cost of materials. Manuals have to be ordered for each participant.